New research book for counsellors and psychotherapists


The chapter titles and authors are:

1 Introduction: Aim, Key Themes and an Overview of the Coming Chapters 
Sofe Bager-Charleson and Alistair McBeath

Part I Qualitative Research 
2 Doing Reflexive Thematic Analysis 
Virginia Braun, Victoria Clarke, Nikki Hayfeld, Louise Davey, and Elizabeth Jenkinson
3 Doing Arts-based Decolonising Research 
Divine Charura and Rachel Wicaksono
4 Supporting Critical Self-enquiry: Doing Heuristic Research 
Keith Tudor
5 Autoethnographic Psychotherapy Research: A Methodology that Keeps Our ‘Heart in Mind’ .
Saira Gracie Razzaq

Part II Quantitative Research 
6 Quantitative Practice-Based Research 
Emily Banwell, Terry Hanley, and Aaron Sef
7 Dilemmas and Decisions in Quantitative-Driven Online Survey Research into Researchers’ Mental Health and Support 
Cassie Hazell and Clio Berry

Part III Mixed Methods Research. Theory and Examples of Integration 
8 Using Online Surveys Creatively in Counselling and Psychotherapy Research
Alistair McBeath
9 Mixed Methods Research to Build Bridges 
Brittany Landrum and Gilbert Garza
10 Mixed Methods Research: The Case for the Pragmatic Researcher 
Alistair McBeath
11 Dialectical Pluralism in Counseling and Psychotherapy Research 
Trés Stefurak, Victoria S. Dixon, and H. Burke Johnson
12 Taking Qualitatively Driven Mixed Methods Research Further 
Nollaig Frost, Maria Dempsey, and Sarah Foley
13 Mixed Methods When Researching Sensitive Topics 
Jean-Marc Dewaele, Louise Rolland, Sally Cook, and Beverley Costa