Do you want to learn more about the journal? Watch our new introductory videos via YouTube


As part of the journal's commitment to engaging with new researchers, we have developed some introductory videos for the journal discussing its history and what it might look like if you submit an article to us for review. 

To watch the videos please follow the link to our YouTube account or click each of the links below. You are welcome to share these links with friends, colleagues, students, and other relevant networks. 

Video 1 - Dr Linda Finlay introduces the journal.

Video 2 - The history of the European Journal for Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy

Video 3 - Types of research submitted to the journal

Video 4 - How can you transform your research into a published article?

Video 5 - What is the process for submitting to the journal?

Video 6 - How to disseminate your research findings.

Video 7 - Short Reports - A new way to write up research?